Tuesday, January 11, 2011

looking for books!

I plan to begin a new chapter of "Read n' Seed:"

I am looking for some new environmental health books to check out. My past Read n' Seed posts were all about one book called "Newman's Own Guide to a Good Life" which was an interesting and informational guide to living more environmentally friendly. 

Some of the books i have been checking out include "Diet for a New America," "Is Our Food Safe," "Harvest for Hope," "The Gorgeously Green Diet" and "In pursuit of the Common Good." 

As I read them, summaries will be posted under this section of Read 'n Seed.

A new beginning: update

I have finally finished my bachelor's degree in Community Health and am pursuing a job in a health related field. I continue to be a huge advocate of environmental health topics. Anything I come across in my personal research, interests or future career that involves health related/environmental topics I will post to this blog!

(photo taken by myself, my view of the front yard on a winter afternoon)