Week 7 of my lifestyle change wasn't quite as obnoxious as the last. My goal is to not eat red meat, and eat less than 2 servings of other meats/ week. The week slowed down a bit, and I was actually able to spend a little more time cooking and preparing my meals.
This week I DID actually achieve my smart goal, AND I was also able to cut way back on dairy and avoid it as much as possible.
Successes: I had more time to prepare healthier food for myself, and only had meat once this week! (had to make up for last week). I made a really good fresh vegetable stew and had a lot of leftovers! (pictured below, the potato of love that went into my stew!! I couldn't believe I found a heart potato, I had to take a picture.)
Challenges: My friends and I like going on Perkins runs every once in awhile, and we allll have a big crush on the chicken tender melt, which was my weakness this week. It also had pepperjack cheese...but it was really good! and that was my one meat I allowed myself this week. ...so bad, but ooh so good!
The feelings I have experienced this week, are slightly less stressful than last week. I didn't feel terrible about my choices this week, but I am hoping with Thanksgiving just around the corner, that I'll be able to keep myself from over-indulging. But I AM glad that turkey isn't a red meat! :)
I learned that giving yourself a break is much easier if you plan ahead! It sounds weird, but when I planned ahead and made my soup, I didn't have to worry about what I was eating, and I had leftovers which are always nice! I may have talked about planning ahead before, but really, with anything, just simply writing out to-do lists gives you an idea ahead of time of what you will be dealing with during the week and then its much easier to plan around that.
I plan on keeping the same goal for next week, as well as the cutting down on dairy part. I have completely stopped buying milk and cheese which is something I never thought I'd be able to do.