Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reflections: week 9 and 10

The last two weeks have gone by extremely fast; I feel like this semester has just been flying by!
Week 9 started with an introduction to advocacy in environmental health class; we got into random groups and each group presented one topic about understanding advocacy. We also learned how to use THOMAS to find a bill that would relate to our advocacy project choice.  This brought us into our first and main assignment of the advocacy project which was to chose a Healthy People 2010 goal and a bill that related to it. I chose the topic of reducing foodborne illness and poor sanitation due to my specific interest in environmental health. 
This week was extremely packed for me, so my lifestyle change goal didn't go as well, and I felt like I was just getting behind, but all in all everything worked out after the week was over. 

Week 10 introduced a video in class on Monday called "unnatural causes" which documented the lives of many people who are barely making ends meet. It discussed the idea that health correlates with wealth; those who do not have as high of an income of much less of a chance living a healthy lifestyle when it comes to many variables such as healthy eating, less stress, less everyday problems, etc. It was an interesting video, but it really did make sense. Next, we got into groups again and discussed how to "understand an issue" relating to advocacy. 
All in all, this week was much better than the last, I was able to catch up on everything, and my goal was on track as well. 

See you all Monday!


  1. I missed class so i need to rent this video!

  2. That video was pretty cool. It sucks that your income can be the dictator of your health.
