Thursday, November 12, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 4: Third quarter of Newman's Own: Guide to a Good Life

The third quarter of my read 'n seed for Newman's Own Guide to a Good Life, covers chapters 6 and 7 (p.104-128). 

Chapter 6 titled "Shopping," was very pertinent to localization and safety of consumerism. With the holidays just around the corner, I wish I could read this entire chapter to the average American consumer. I feel the need to do a lot of quoting, but I'll stick to one that really stuck out to me. Nell discusses purchasing products that should "matter to you," involving your families health as well as supporting local economy. "When you shift your dollars from a megastore to a mom-and-pop store because the smaller place carries water-soluble paint and decking that isn't loaded with aresenic, you're showing the big boys the way to your heart and you're supporting local economy too. If a company hasn't been a good neighbor--they recklessly pollute the city where they're headquartered, they refuse to recycle, or they won't give their workers a fair shake-- you can withhold your dollars from them until they shape up." I feel like that quote also goes well with my Coca-Cola Share and Voice post when discussing the idea of a megastore being a "poor neighbor."  
I really like how she refers to a ripple effect when you do buy "green" products (meaning environmentally friendly), because you are educating others by example. Some products to watch out for when shopping are Phthalates (chemicals that soften plastic); choose PVC free, especially when shopping for toys that may end up in a childs mouth. Also, when building or remodeling your home, try to avoid VOC's (volitile organic compounds); if you smell them, they are getting into your lungs. Instead, look for environmentally friendly options which are becoming more readily available (oftentimes slightly more expensive, but you have to decide if your health is worth the cost.) 
(pictured below, my puppy Lola)

Chapter 7 titled "pet care,"  wasn't quite as helpful as chapter 6, but there were a few good tips for keeping your pets healthy, but a lot of it is pretty obvious, and some of it doubles as ways for us to keep healthy as well. She does mention that the rule about "no table food" for your pets only really makes sense if you eat a really poor diet (which many Americans do, hence the rule applies). Humans and pets alike should avoid white refined sugar, white refined flour, and candy. Specifically, when it comes to pet food, avoid packages that begin with "beef by products, water, poultry by-products." Pets can have human food so long as its "healthy" (not high in fat, sugar or salt), but specifically shouldn't have chicken or fish bones, citrus, tomatoes, organ meat (unless organic) and bacon.
 Many other tips double as overall safety tips for everyone: fresh water, no cigarette smoke, keep away from poisonous household chemicals, organic is the way to go for food-soaps-repellents-and shampoo. Being conscious about your pets' health is important, it oftentimes goes hand-in-hand with your own health!

Overall, very informative chapters, it's always nice to be able to share what I learn with everyone!

Share and Voice: Superstar Blogger!!

I received this award from Ashley  for my quality format and content for my blog about the coca cola company: Share and Voice: How do you feel about Coca Cola? along with a video guide.

I will be now passing this Award onto Mediterranean Melissa for her Share and Voice: Eco Shic Hotel. This blog was really eye catching and a really interesting approach as well! Content was interesting, and she depicted many forms of "eco-chicness" through photography and displayed that in a blog. Even better, was the fact that she did this while on a vacation! Overall, very appealing post in both content and format. :)
Award Instructions for the Award Winner(s)
  1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
  2. Within 1 week, create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
  3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
  4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post. Be sure to include the Award in the post as well!
  5. Publish the post.
  6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
  7. Continue the process...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6: Weekly Update

Week 6 was probably my most difficult week with my SMART goal. My SMART goal once again was to not eat red meat, and eat less than 2 servings of other meats per week.

I have had way too many challenges this week. It has been extremely busy, and basically I haven't had time to even think about what to eat and not eat; if something is available or offered, I just eat it. 

I am hoping that this wont be a problem for me in the long run.When under pressure I just need to remember its important to manage my time as best as I can, and I guess what I can take from this is planning ahead definitely pays off. I did have success when it came to my goal of not eating red meat, but I believe I had chicken 3 times this week, fish once, and pizza... :( I also have not paid much attention to dairy, but I did have ice cream one night. Sometimes there is nothing better than ice cream.

Overall, this week was a semi-failure. But, I will admit that its nice to just not worry about what I eat once in awhile, and just eat whatever I had in the freezer.
Rule #1, plan ahead and make sure healthier foods are available when I don't have time to go grocery shopping!
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy. Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6

Monday, November 9, 2009

Share & Voice: Go Dakota County!

I was searching for articles on reducing chemicals in our daily lives, and was very happy to find that Dakota County's website is a great resource in itself!!
First of all, you can choose from a large category of different ways to protect the environment, and each category has many helpful tips. 
The categories I found the most interesting were "Reducing harmful products in your home" and "Reducing harmful products in your yard" 
Buy your 2010 Dakota County Parks Calendar.

Some valuable tips that I found from these were the importance of buying "green" cleaning supplies with non toxic, all natural or biodegradable ingredients. Also, multi-purpose products such as white vinegar can be used to clean many different appliances. Look out for words such as corrosive, toxic, dangerous... AND always pay attention to the label (more is not always more effective). Vacuum often if you have children playing on the floor, especially if shoes are not taken off at the door (many chemicals leach onto our shoes). Floor mats keep chemicals by the door, and can be washed as well. Do not cut grass too short, it allows for better tolerance. Allow the grass trimmings on the lawn to act as a natural fertilizer. Use phosphorus free fertilizers. Reduce chemical weed killers by pulling weeds by hand!!

Many other health tips are covered in their health section from food to environment and water, even a Green Guide, check it out!

There are many different areas to search within the website, and after searching it, I really wanted to advocate for more available resources in my hometown (county) AND help my county create a more helpful website like this one!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

My representatives!

For the first advocacy project, I will list my political representatives and ways in which to contact them such as their website. 

You can call or write to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, using this website or the office address below:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

To contact congressmen/ women of Minnesota, this website provides contact links to each individual.
Al Franken: 320 Hart Senate office building
      Washington DC 20510
      Phone: 202-224-5641

The governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, can be contacted at: (651) 296-3391 or via email.

Minnesota state legislators can be contacted via a database at
John Kline:
101 West Burnsville Parkway
  #201 Burnsville, MN
Phone: (952) 808-1213

The county board president of Kandiyohi County is Richard Falk, here is a link to the commissioners home page
627 NW Knollwood Drive
Willmar, MN  56201

The mayor of my hometown is Denny Baker, the Spicer mayor homepage gives his contact information as well as other city board members. 
(320) 796-5218
