Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6: Weekly Update

Week 6 was probably my most difficult week with my SMART goal. My SMART goal once again was to not eat red meat, and eat less than 2 servings of other meats per week.

I have had way too many challenges this week. It has been extremely busy, and basically I haven't had time to even think about what to eat and not eat; if something is available or offered, I just eat it. 

I am hoping that this wont be a problem for me in the long run.When under pressure I just need to remember its important to manage my time as best as I can, and I guess what I can take from this is planning ahead definitely pays off. I did have success when it came to my goal of not eating red meat, but I believe I had chicken 3 times this week, fish once, and pizza... :( I also have not paid much attention to dairy, but I did have ice cream one night. Sometimes there is nothing better than ice cream.

Overall, this week was a semi-failure. But, I will admit that its nice to just not worry about what I eat once in awhile, and just eat whatever I had in the freezer.
Rule #1, plan ahead and make sure healthier foods are available when I don't have time to go grocery shopping!
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy. Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6


  1. Planning ahead is one of the hardest things for me to do when it comes to food. When your week is busy, it gets even harder! I think this is something we all struggle with!

  2. I hear ya, its getting to be that time of the semester, where all of your rules and regulations go out the window, and your life is a MESS
