Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

My representatives!

For the first advocacy project, I will list my political representatives and ways in which to contact them such as their website. 

You can call or write to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, using this website or the office address below:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

To contact congressmen/ women of Minnesota, this website provides contact links to each individual.
Al Franken: 320 Hart Senate office building
      Washington DC 20510
      Phone: 202-224-5641

The governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, can be contacted at: (651) 296-3391 or via email.

Minnesota state legislators can be contacted via a database at
John Kline:
101 West Burnsville Parkway
  #201 Burnsville, MN
Phone: (952) 808-1213

The county board president of Kandiyohi County is Richard Falk, here is a link to the commissioners home page
627 NW Knollwood Drive
Willmar, MN  56201

The mayor of my hometown is Denny Baker, the Spicer mayor homepage gives his contact information as well as other city board members. 
(320) 796-5218



  1. We kinda live by eachother... maybe?

  2. I had no idea where Spicer was, but don't worry, I googled it! Your town is smaller than mine, but your mayor still has a better website! haha
