Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflections: week 7 and 8

The past two weeks have been really informative! 
I did a lot of personal research for this class for my share and voices, as well as for maintaining my lifestyle change.
Week 7 started with a discussion and a movie called "Green" which was about chemical plants near residential neighborhoods causing dangerous health problems to citizens who do not have the resources to just up and move. It was sad because it is a huge problem that seems to be far overlooked.
The activity (researching products at Skindeep) for this week actually got me started on browsing new, safer make-ups to try, which is really awesome because I learned that my make-up is actually terrible for my health, as well as many other skin products of mine. 
Week 8 started with the movie "Thirst" which actually inspired my last Share and Voice blog about the company Coca-Cola. The eye opener about "junking" for this week was also cool because I have always been into recycling and reusing materials, especially for art projects at school and home. Learning about different thrift shops and "green" shops was really helpful because I love browsing through second hand stores and seeing what I can find! I actually found different parts of my halloween costume at Savers and Goodwill, so it was nice to research and see other places around town I can go. I actually visited the "Green Mercantile" which had a lot of really neat, safe to the environment products! Everyone should go check it out!


  1. I love Duluth because the majority of the businesses are all in old brick buildings especially down in Canal and stuff. I think all the thrift stores around here do pretty well because we are good at doing with what we have.

  2. I've never heard of the Green Mercantile, I'll have to check it out!
