Monday, November 9, 2009

Share & Voice: Go Dakota County!

I was searching for articles on reducing chemicals in our daily lives, and was very happy to find that Dakota County's website is a great resource in itself!!
First of all, you can choose from a large category of different ways to protect the environment, and each category has many helpful tips. 
The categories I found the most interesting were "Reducing harmful products in your home" and "Reducing harmful products in your yard" 
Buy your 2010 Dakota County Parks Calendar.

Some valuable tips that I found from these were the importance of buying "green" cleaning supplies with non toxic, all natural or biodegradable ingredients. Also, multi-purpose products such as white vinegar can be used to clean many different appliances. Look out for words such as corrosive, toxic, dangerous... AND always pay attention to the label (more is not always more effective). Vacuum often if you have children playing on the floor, especially if shoes are not taken off at the door (many chemicals leach onto our shoes). Floor mats keep chemicals by the door, and can be washed as well. Do not cut grass too short, it allows for better tolerance. Allow the grass trimmings on the lawn to act as a natural fertilizer. Use phosphorus free fertilizers. Reduce chemical weed killers by pulling weeds by hand!!

Many other health tips are covered in their health section from food to environment and water, even a Green Guide, check it out!

There are many different areas to search within the website, and after searching it, I really wanted to advocate for more available resources in my hometown (county) AND help my county create a more helpful website like this one!


  1. I checked out the green guide, it was pretty cool. I want to see if my county has anything like that!

  2. that green guide is pretty nifty!
