Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update

This week, my lifestyle change goal went pretty smoothly. It helped that I was trying not to buy anymore groceries before Thanksgiving break, so I had no meat left in my cupboards besides some tuna. 
My SMART goal is to not eat red meat, and eat less than 2 servings of other meats/ week. This week I met that goal with flying colors. I had a tuna sandwich one day, and ended up going with meat-free soups the rest of the week. 

The successes of meeting my goal this week, as I mentioned previously, had to do with me not buying groceries...it sounds weird BUT I had food that I had been avoiding eating that needed to be dealt with (such as potatoes, onions, canned spinach and some canned soups). So I had a cheap week I guess, but a successful one. I did stop and get some egg nog one day though, sometimes I get the weirdest cravings, and after a successful week, I thought I should probably have some sort of reward. The challenges this week were minimal, but Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so I am hoping I can keep to my goal as the holidays begin to tempt me. 

My feelings about this week were pretty good, after reading a few other blogs, I too have been getting ideas to incorporate into my lifestyle change such as using a metal water bottle and just re-filling it, and buying products in bulk when I can to avoid small packaging.  I learned this week that basically you just have to tough it out once in awhile and save money!.. Especially this time of year when Christmas is just around the corner.

My plans for next week are to continue my regular SMART goal as well as to avoid dairy as much as possible. I would also like to add that I use my metal water bottle instead of buying one-time-use water bottles.                         (Thankful for the time I got to spend with my grandma.)         

Have a great thanksgiving everyone!! 


  1. It's easy to avoid eating something when you don't have it on hand! Nice job completing your goal this week!

  2. I was also nervous about t-givs. But I've been using a metal water bottle to!
