Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to Danielle's Discoveries

I am Danielle Wall, an art and community health student, and I am all about discovering the beauty in our natural surroundings. So far I have highlighted my interests in art and nature, and I would like to tie that into my blog and doing my part in preserving our natural environment, and helping others become healthier, well informed decision makers!

Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy!

Blogged for the Welcome Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Hey Danielle! Your blog is looking great! Did you create the picture on the header yourself? It's beautiful! I think this is going to be a pretty cool class...as soon as I get the hang of all the technical stuff!

  2. Hey group member haha! I really like your blog, the concept of creating art from our natural surroundings really didn't occur to me, so I suppose if we don't preserve what we have it would make it a lot harder to create art! Well see you next class :)

  3. thank you both! yes I did create the header, its a watercolor painting I went over in ink and then added the text =)
