Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I am just going to start out by saying this eye opener has made me challenge my everyday routine, but in very good ways.

The activity was to visit Skin Deep an environmental working group that tests the safeness of products that we put on our skin. I did this activity last week and after seeing terrible results (a 9 out of 10 on a scale in which 10 is the most hazardous) for my eyeshadow, I decided to test all of my make up. I found that 90% of my makeup is an 8 or higher; I have 2 other products that ranked 7 and 4. After seeing these results, I decided that I needed to make a huge change unless I am okay with "Cancer, Allergies/immunotoxicity, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Enhanced skin absorption, Occupational hazards, Biochemical or cellular level change" among others. 

I had no idea how terrible make up really is to my body; its something that I've been using since highschool and never thought twice about; an everyday ritual! After seeing my results, I am now aware of these dangers and have began to research different products that are safer. I realized that it is somewhat hard to find reasonably priced makeup that's actually alright for your skin, but I did find out that the New York brand isn't all that bad when I searched a couple of their products and got in the 3-5 hazard range. This link provides New York's consumer safety page from their website.  
I have already made a couple changes due to my results from this activity including throwing away some of my eyeshadow. I ordered sample products from a company called "Rejuva Minearls" which offers natural and organic skin products and makeup (and receives 1, the lowest hazard level of all the makeup I checked) and I liked the two products that I tried! So, I would suggest this website to anyone wanting to change their makeup!


  1. I will definately be ordering some free samples!

  2. I want to check out all my make up products now! Also, the free samples, very cool!
