Friday, October 23, 2009

Share & Voice: article!

CO2_ChangeSo, to begin, I found an article that I had to look at 3 or 4 times and still have a hard time believing, but if this really is the plan, then heck yes! (Even if its not, its at least the right idea!) 
The website I came across is called The website appears to be legit, and has many interesting articles, world news, sports, etc. The article I happened to come across was called "Countdown to Copenhagen," which is a MUCH bigger countdown than one would think. 
Am I the only one in the dark here? As quoted in the heading, "Europe offers to cut emissions by 95% by year 2050 if deal is reached at Copenhagen." This is a very clear message; Europe is making the first move and wants everyone else to follow! Like I said on one of my previous blogs, just taking that first step and making the initial decision is oftentimes the most difficult part, once you make that decision, you have somewhere to start! 
This article was posted just last Wednesday, the 21st, and the importance is that Copenhagen has 6 weeks to sign the pact, after 27 EU countries have already finalized a common position. In addition, the proposal also states that a 30% cut in carbon emissions will be the goal by 2020. One major setback is the few developing countries involved may have some financial burdens and over-reliance on coal, so these problems are still being discussed. 
This seems like a huge deal, and Europe deserves a pat on the back for making the first move. 
I did find another older article ("Carbon Offsets") that also talks about Europe's plans to cut emissions 20% by 2020, but this more so mentions their plans to delay this project. 
Anyways, I just found this to be really cool even if it is a few years down the road, has anyone else heard about this?


  1. I haven't heard about this yet but in my Read and Seed books it talks a lot about how Europe is the one who is taking all the first steps.

  2. I hadn't heard of this either. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  3. I can't say I've heard of this, but it's pretty cool. Go Europe!
