Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 5 and 6

Week 5 started with a quiz activity on Monday, followed by a movie on the "Future of Food," and a discussion. It was a really eye opening movie, sad as well. Farmers appear to be getting the shaft from large companies such as Monsanto, and GMO's are taking over America's food supply. We can't give in! Our discussion after the movie was informative as well, it was really interesting to hear everyone's take on this. 
As the week progressed, I delved deeper into Newman's Own and really enjoyed the facts on organic food, and incorporated some of what I learned into my diet to add to my Lifestyle Change project.
Week 6 began with "Diet for a New America" which was a film by John Robbins addressing how terrible many American foods are, and discusses portion sizes pertaining to meat and dairy. I learned that what is considered to be a "normal" meat portion here is 5 times greater than average in many other countries such as Japan. We as a society really need to make some huge diet changes if we all don't want to die from heart diseases and cancers in our 50's and 60's. 
Weeks 5 and 6 overall were very informative and interesting to me, and helpful in my aim towards cutting out meat and some dairy from my diet. 


  1. it is crazy how much meat we eat! I am doing so good on cutting down on red meat, and will not just be doing this for the rest of the semester but the rest of my life!

  2. Isn't it funny how it seems like we've reached out peak in life expectancy? Technology has finally outdone itself and we are now free to eat ourselves into cancers, and heart disease and die younger. I agree though, very informative video's that past two weeks!
