Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

One more week down on my lifestyle change, and its going smoothly. 
My SMART goal was to not eat red meat, and cut down on my intake of other meats to less than 2 meals per week. This week was a success for several reasons. This past weekend I went home to celebrate my birthday and my "sister" Jessica's wedding which usually would mean a lot of tempting "bad" food. But, luckily Jessica is vegan so there were many options great for both of us! She actually made a vegan banana cream pie AND "chocolate" cake that were surprisingly delicious! So, I accumulated a couple new recipes.  :) On the challenging side, because of my birthday, my mom wanted to cook me a huge meal, which usually consists of a hamburger type hot dish. Luckily, my dad had been hunting and caught pheasant, so we had fresh pheasant which was awesome! I learned many more new things this week, especially from the movie in class as well as the discussion, and they all kept me positive about my goal. Specifically, when we talked about the mistreatment of animals, and how much grain it takes (12lbs) to equal out to 1lb of hamburger, I was satisfied with my semi-vegetarian choice. 
So this next week, I probably wont modify my goal, but of course I am going to try and turn down meat as much as possible. (pictured above, my mother, happy I finally came home, making home-made tortillas with a plethera of fresh garden veggies!) 
"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy."


  1. Sounds like Jessica is a valuable resource!

  2. That's great that your sister is a vegan! You're parents must be semi-used to the idea then of you becoming a vegetarian then.
    You're right though, it is pretty shocking how much we feed our cows just to make meat. Think of all that farm land that could be used for something else, or maybe never even cleared of trees. Good job Danielle! Sounds like everything is going well!

  3. yum, everything sounds and looks so delicious! Very jealous.
