Thursday, December 10, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Newman's Own: Guide to a Good Life"

Newman's Own: Guide to a Good Life was a great general guide for beginning a healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyle. 

This book had many eye-opening chapters; I'd say it was a perfect way for me to get started on a healthier life, just as the title insinuates. I liked that it wasn't particularly too in depth on any specific topic. Of course, each topic got plenty of attention, but it mostly touched base with everyday issues to inform readers of things to look out for in daily living and what you can do to ensure healthier living. Nell, the author, kept with need-to-know facts on a topic that would be just enough to keep you interested and inform you enough to lead you in a direction so you could further research on your own if anything caught your eye. I enjoyed how personable she was with each subject. She always mentioned her own experiences, such as with her own gardening tips and pet tips in each of those sections, as well as her opinions on consumerism that were both interesting and informative. I especially enjoyed some of her analogies that made many of her topics much more understandable for the general reader. Each chapter began with a personal story involving her, or someone she knew, and it always brought the subject into perspective for me. She then would give a section of statistics on the subject, followed by tips for the reader. I really like that she laid it out this way because I could always count on tips at the end of the chapter if I had any questions in the beginning. She never brought up problems that she didn't have any tips on changing which was nice. 

I think one of the most significant things I found was that this book is definitely something that nearly anyone, in any socio-economic stance could read and take tips from. Another significant thing, as I mentioned above, would have to be the personal tips she left at the end of each chapter, I have already started using the pet tips that she gave because I did not realize that my dog can eat many things that I eat safely, and its better for my dog to eat to eat some of my food because a lot of pet food isn't safe!! The third most significant thing I found would have to be her chapter on consumerism and how we need to stop feeding the powerhouse mega stores! Many of them don't care about the community, and take business away from the little guys. I enjoyed a quote she stated about how we should be more willing to pay that 50 cents extra for a safer product from a local place, isn't our health and our community worth it? 

This whole book had priceless information. She puts high value on both personal and environmental health, and her small tips could be followed in small easy steps! It is too bad that we have to be reminded of these things, it means a lot to me that she took the time to write a guide that anyone can use. It is something than that anyone can follow! I would definitely recommend this book, not only because it has valuable information and is an eye opener, it can be followed by anyone! It touches on elements that effect everyone! She shows that you do not have to be rich to go green! Anyone can do it. But we all need reminders, so read this book! 


  1. sounded like a really good book, any chances you want to get rid of it? :)

  2. I'm interested on learning more about consumerism and what we can do to be concise consumers. Sounds like a good read!
