Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

Week 2 of my lifestyle change has been going really well. My goal was to cut down on how much meat I eat, and completely rid my diet of red meat. The second part of my goal was to only eat 2 servings or less of chicken or fish per week, and that goal was also achieved last week. I actually made wild rice veggie burgers one day with an awesome recipe that I partially acquired and partially made up. *great success* 
For the most part, I have not faced too many challenges on my way to switching over to vegetarianism: I guess my main challenge has been the fact that my parents have a very small hobby farm and raise chickens, so of course my mom loves cooking chicken hot dishes and sending them my way, but at least it is organic and I can limit myself and save it in the freezer. I DO feel better about this choice I have made. Not only is it environmentally friendly and better for animal welfare, but also making wild rice burgers last weekend for my friends was awesome because they all really enjoyed them, and now they also have a healthy alternative to meat, that they can try it on there own as well. (specifically getting one of my stubborn roommates AND my brother to like them was a landmark occasion). I guess what I have learned so far was that once you put your mind to a huge lifestyle change like this, you realize that the hardest part is actually just making that decision ( I never thought I'd be able to give up meat), and I've hardly had any problem so far with my change.  My plans for this next week are just to keep up with what I am doing, I already believe I am challenging myself, yet I don't want to make it any easier. I would at least like to challenge myself to eat more organic foods
Here is an interesting website I found that has given me motive to keep up with my vegetarian choices.


  1. I'm really glad you've been so successful on your SMART goal so far! I feel like you're totally right about the idea that the hardest part is actually making the decision. It's those thoughts like "I could never do that" that hold people back. The wild rice veggie burgers sound really interesting! Do you feel like you'll be experimenting a lot more with food now that you're almost fully vegetarian?

  2. The wild rice veggie burgers and the organic chicken hot dishes all sound delicious!!

  3. I think its a good idea to go about this slow. My goal is only eating red meat once per week. So far it has been a little challenging but also rewarding. Good luck, on keeping up with this!
