Thursday, October 15, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 2: First quarter of "Newman's Own Guide to a Good Life"

So far, I have read the rest of chapter one, and finished chapter 2 in Newman's Guide which is pages 14-39. The main topics I have read about at the end of chapter one have been organic food: why we should choose it, statistics, and what to look for when buying organic food. I especially found this last part particularly helpful. She talked about how we need to look for certain labels when buying organic products. These include three terms of certified organics: "100% organic," "organic," and "made with organic ingredients." Additionally, she mentions the importance of buying local produce in season, eating lower on the food chain, avoiding over packaged products, and buying for whole food stores. Several parts of the chapter discuss her opinions on the affects of society; one particular quote I highlighted was after she mentions people complaining about how expensive organics are and it states, "In terms of money, we have to learn how to cook food that is really tasty using vegetables. I don't think we know how to do that, we are so meat dependent. But vegetables and grains are very affordable pay for your health, and I want to give my money directly to the farmer." Like she suggests, when we pay for foods that have been over processed and shipped they are less healthy but cheaper, therefore you are paying for the depletion of our natural resources, and sacrificing your health. I think we need more information in public schools teaching health and more information in general on why eating organic foods and buying from local farms is so important! Chapter 2 was less interesting to me, but it still had some good information as well as helpful tips, such as how we can help the environment by keeping with the speed limit to save on fuel, not stomping on the gas and speeding off, taking care of our cars, carpool as much as possible, take the bus when you can, and try to incorporate an eco friendly car into your life.


  1. I love going to the Co-op and shopping organically. I don't do it all the time. But when I do get like fruits and veggies, I honestly feel like they taste better. I buy whole grains stuff, and end up eating less than I normally would filling up on junk all day.

  2. I've honestly never bought organic. My main reason being money, but I really liked that quote you included Danielle. Maybe I ought to just jump in and give it a shot. Wow, just had a brain storm! I have to go grocery shopping pretty soon here, so when I go I'll go to the co-op and buy my first organic fruits and veggies and do a share and voice about it! I'll get back to you both soon! :)
