Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

For this weeks eye opener, I chose to do the "Score Your Diet" activity. At Center for Science in the Public Interest, you can rate your diet using a drop down menu that rates the amounts of different food that you eat, and gives you a total health score, an environmental score, and an animal welfare score. The options also allow for whether you eat organic food or low fat foods. 
My score showed an overall excellent health score, but my animal welfare and environmental scores both need improvement. Vegetables were my highest score by far, fruits came in second and whole grains came in third, which makes sense to me because I do eat a lot of veggies and legumes to make up for my lack of meat. My worst scores were in the amount of yogurt and cheese that I eat, which is apparently too much, but I feel like my diet works well and I wouldn't really want to give up anymore dairy than I already have after switching to soy and almond milk (tastes better than it sounds!) 2 years ago. My lowest scores overall were under environment, and I am not sure how to make sense of this because I got negative points under environment for eating fruits and vegetables, and more negative points for grains, so this rating was slightly confusing. My total score overall was 52 which ranked "good."
 I do eat organic some of the time, so my goal will be to slowly incorporate more and more organic food into my diet. What this activity has shown me, is that there is always room for improvement, and you have to alter your diet in the areas that work best for you, as well as what works best for the environment. I believe my personal diet improvements have come a long way and they will only get better.  It wasn't that long ago that I would eat just about anything in the spectrum...
the eating spectrum
(obtained from


  1. Babivores made me sad :( haha! So, have you ever gone completely vegetarian? Also, I've never heard of almond milk! Sounds interesting! I deliberately choose not to do the "rate your diet" activity because I just knew mine would be bad!

  2. I love this cartoon! I looked at the rate my diet one to, and my highest scores were whole grains and veggies. But my dairy was also bad. Isn't it weird that humans are the only species in the world that will drink the milk of another species.
